Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pictures and Update from Day 15

Okay, so I haven't done a very good job of keeping this updated regularly, but I have taken some pictures.  Here are some from day 15- these were taken right before they opened their eyes- so cute!!

I have decided to name the girl Cailey, and I am still narrowing down the boys name.  Thanks to everyone who voted in my poll.

Now I will be *trying* to post more often.  ;)

Boy #1

Boy #2

Boy #3

Boy #4


The whole bunch piled up in the corner- this was the only way I could get them to stay still, besides in my hand.


Moe said...

Aww... they're so cute (especially with fur ;)!


ffnftgerbils said...

Yup! They're only gonna get cuter from here on out! =)