Thursday, October 13, 2011

1 Month and 3 Days!

Okay, I'm back...  I took some pictures of the pups on Monday (when they were exactly one month old), and also some more today.  Enjoy!!!

1 Month... Monday, October 10, 2011 =)

Li'l Evan

~Ellie~ =)

Ellie... and Chloey just waking up.  She's looks really weird in this pic!

and Ellie again, eating *something*

I love this one of Evan

and Ellie with another one of Chloey... still waking up =)
 After I took all those pictures, I realized I didn't get any of Ethan or Charley!  But, today, I only took pictures of Ethan and Charley!  =)

1 Month and 3 Days old... Thursday, October 13, 2011


.... and Ethan =)

and here's a picture of Alfie and Jenna... new litter on it's way!

Jenna only =)
I am going to be going on vacation from Oct. 20-31, so no posts then... I'll try to get back to it when I get back.

Also, we almost have 15 followers!  Only two to go, and then we'll have a giveaway!

One more thing... All the pups I have right now are spoken for... and I have a waiting list as well, so if you would like some, please contact me.  Thanks!


PolkaDot said...

They are really cute at this stage :)

ffnftgerbils said...

I agree. =)

It's one of my favorites stages, although I think my very favorite is right before the open their eyes... like my header. =)

Thanks for commenting!
