Friday, April 6, 2012

F is for fast...

Sorry for doing two videos in a row, but I thought this little video of the gerbils running crazily up and down the ramps was just too cute not to share. :)

And here are a few cute pictures of gerbils 'in action' :)



Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Those gerbils were like a perpetual motion machine!
Hope you're having fun with the Challenge.

Anonymous said...

lovely pets
do check out my F at GAC a-z

Elizabeth Twist said...

That is crazytown. The music on the video is cracking me up.

A-Z @ Elizabeth Twist

A.D. Duling said...

My daughter loved this post and you have been added to A.D.'s FAV 5 of the A to Z Challenge today!
Thanks for blogging, loved it!
A.D. and Izzy