Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Just a peek...

...inside the nest!

But first... we'll take a peek at what some of the others are doing:
Molly is taking a little run on her wheel

A couple cages over, Alfie takes a bread from running to say 'hi'.

Hey there!

Winnie is having a little snack...

Nellie's taking a nap... again.

and Bonnie poses!

 Finally.... !

"Hey there Chloey... can we see inside there??!?"


"Oh, sure!"

*Awwww.... *
There all doing great (as far as I can tell).  The little runt is still alive, as of this morning.  You can actually see her in the picture...!

Oh, and make sure to vote in my polls!  They're only up for a week!

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